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Using Cutters for snow flake patterns

By : | Comments Off on Using Cutters for snow flake patterns | On : December 14, 2013 | Category : Dessert, Sugar craft

Whilst using cutters in making sugar flower it is experienced that even when cutter is firmly placed over sugar paste and slided horizontally over the work surface to get a sharp and distinct cleaned border we end up in a ruffled and fuzzy edge. This can be avoided by placing the rolled out flat flower paste over the cutter. Then a roller is rolled over the cutter and a sharp margin is achieved. The flower can be pushed out from the cutter with any blunt tool or ball tool.

I am using flower paste to make snowflakes, however fondants can be used, even modelling Mexican paste can also be used also.

1) First dust the surface (self healing mat or clean flat surface) with corn flour.

2) Roll the sugar paste into  thin sheet and then place the snow flake cutter over the sugar paste.

3) Press   the sides of the cutter to get a crisp cut .Remove excess of surrounding sugar paste and then push the plunger over a clean flat surface .This will create a pattern over the snow flake and release it from the cutter too.

4)Let it dry over a  flat surface and then use it for desired decoration of cakes or cupcakes. Any coloured sugar paste can be used

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